Last Updated : 8.12.99

HAL 9000
The HAL Corporation Screensaver

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Read on to find out what this is all about.

Here's a little side project, sort of in beta at the moment.

I was thinking, wouldn't it be great to have a HAL screen saver? Toby Braun sort of beat me to it with his, but I wanted mine to have color and be as close as I could get to the original HAL screens in the movie. Even on the HAL page where you probably came from to discover this, the screens there aren't exactly like the movie. Toby pointed out I was using the wrong type style and he was right. It really looks to be some version of Microgamma Bold Extended, though how the art was prepared to make the screens in the movie exactly I still have never heard. Perhaps it was professionally typeset or they simply used rub down letters... The most I know about them is what's been written, that Douglas Trumbull or someone under him created them, and played them back during filming via rear projection. I'm guessing they used litho film and dyed it to achieve the colors, but there's really several ways to have done it... Anybody who knows, let me know!

Anyway, this is a work in progress. Mostly I built the name screens first, though from all the source I could find, I couldn't do anything other than make up the text above the the three capital letter designations like ATM or FLX... Some of the designations come from '2010'. I just realized I still had some colors wrong after exporting the screen images from the Illustrator doc I created them in. Well, it is a work in progress...

The screen files themselves are jpgs images, scaled to fit a screen running at 1152 x 870... I contemplated making the live area square like the original screens in '2001', but settled on doing them 3:4 like in '2010'...

I know some of you might want smaller files, but with the space I have at this time, I'll just have to leave it to you to rescale them to fit smaller monitor sizes yourself... On Mac, you can use any screen saver app that has a slide show function, like Screen Gear to have them shuffle through the entire show.

For other platforms, you're on your own, mostly because I don't know what to recommend. I've added a few screens for users on other platforms like UNIX, LINUX, SGI even an IBM screen. I'd welcome and appreciate suggestions for what screen to accompany these would look like. The idea being that HAL can "run" other operating systems in emulation mode. On each page you will find links thatwill drop you into the various folders for the HAL screens I've made so far.

Above these are small sample versions of just a few files you'll find in each directory... You are free to pick and choose how many you want to download, which ones you want to use...

Download the the HAL Screen jpgs in one zip file

Download the origin AI Filein AI8 Format. Last Updated : 6.13.99

MacOS   MacOS

Win   WinOS

NOTE! These are Adobe Illustrator Files that form the source art for the jpg files that constitute the actual screen saver. If you don't have Illustrator or a compatible app like Freehand, these files may not be of any use to you. They are intended to be a template for your use to create your own customized jpg HAL screens.

Resource materials used for this so far are:

"2001 : Filming the Future" by Piers Bizony

"HAL's Legacy : 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality" by David Stork

and of course the movie itself.

Any addition resources anyone has of images of the screens that are of a legible nature would be greatly appreciated.

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National Council on Astronautics

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Mental Pictures Design